For us, it comes naturally to consider our activities within the perspective of the circular economy. Our lives are modelled by a circular rhythm: the tempos of vines, grapes and wines follow a regular pattern that must never be distorted. It’s natural for us to respect the environment and to work for its sustainability at every stage, from the vineyards – cared for with responsible agriculture methods and low environmental impact – to the winery, which benefits from a phyto-purification plant for the disposal of waste water, perfectly integrated with the landscape.
Research and innovation at the service of the environment
The concept of sustainability guides every action in our productive phases. We place research and innovation at the service of the environment and of people, while consolidating our deep winemaking tradition. For our Company, manual and mechanical grape harvesting go arm-in-arm, as do fermentation in open barriques with the adoption of new techniques and vinification equipment, and constant care during the ageing and maturing phases go with technological research.
We have created an ozone production system for sanitising the areas and the equipment in the wine cellars. In the vineyards we sprinkle the vegetation with water and ozone, to provide a natural and effective way of protecting the vines, preventing the development of pathogenic fungi.
A commitment that bears fruit
We produce renewable energy, we constantly reduce consumption, we integrate our enterprise with the landscape. The environment is aware of this and shows us that we are going in the right direction. This is proved by the peregrine falcon, which once again flies over our vineyards, the wild animals that populate them and the colours of wild flowers.
The quality of the water and the air proves it too. One of the recurring words in our vocabulary is “roots”. For us, sustainability means respecting them, respecting the environment and helping it to cyclically bear fruit, more and more naturally and always improving. Ours is a sustainable commitment.